On July 15th PCC members and friends joined together to have some Superhero costume play fun at Belmont State Park.  With Dan as Clark Kent and Tom as Aquaman the day was set for some twists and turns. With eight stations set up with activities participants dressed in their interesting superhero fashion took on each activity with determination and excitement. Frisbees( aka Captain America’s shields) being thrown, squats being done at the Hulk Strength Station, and everyone completing a fierce obstacle course at Catwoman’s Agility station there was lots of physical movement happening, laughs, and great socialization going on! I was so impressed with the individuals who chose to carry out the scavenger hunt. One young lady dressed as a Star Trek character stated she only had one item left in her list to find. She even marched down to the water to check off “something that floats!” Superhero trivia and keep the planet up(giant beach ball) were also fun to do. Thanks to all who participated and to ALL who  helped out! Sharin, thanks for bringing the bagels and the other items and for supporting the event the whole way through. Thank you Dan(the man), Patty, Chris, Rick, Patty T,  Jeannette, Roberta, Matt, a d Abbey. Thanks Patty Castro for bringing your friends. Cheers to Cosplay the PCC Way! Until the next fun meetup. Always view our website for upcoming events and become a PCC member today if you are not already one.