This site is moderated. The Administrator/Moderators will act to protect the personal identity and confidentiality of the users of this site. Such actions may include editing articles or blog posts submitted to remove identifying information. The Administrator/Moderators have final say on the removal of inappropriate or offensive content as well as whether a particular user will be removed from the site because of repeated violations of the site’s Code of Behavior. Any complaints regarding the decisions of the Administrator/Moderators should be submitted directly to the Administrator/Moderators.

Personal Information. We collect information when a user subscribes to a newsletter or email list, makes a donation, makes an inquiry, or fills out any form through the site. We use this information to: (1) protect our site visitors, (2) personalize each user’s experience on the site, (3) improve the web site and (4) process transactions. Our policy is to never share any of your information without your expressed permission to do so. The only exception to this is if the Administrator/Moderators must do so to comply with the law or to protect the rights, property or safety of others. 

Our site uses “Cookies” (small files that are transferred through your web browser-with your permission- that allow us to recognize you when you visit the site). We use cookies to save your site preferences, anonymously analyze site traffic and process transactions.

Our calendar features events that are Positive Community Connections (PCC) sponsored events as well as events that are not affiliated with PCC but might be of interest to our users. At events that are PCC-affiliated, your attendance at such events gives your consent to be photographed while participating. These photos can be used by PCC on the web site and for advertising and promotional material without compensation. All photos become property of PCC. No photo will ever be tagged with identifying information without express written consent. Individual photos will be removed from the web site upon request to the site Administrator/Moderators.

Third party links may be included on our web site. These third parties are independent and have their own privacy policies. Positive Community Connections takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for the content and activities of these linked sites. We do, however, seek to protect the integrity of our site and will respond to any feedback or issues that may arise from these linked sites or services.

Changes to the Privacy Policy, if needed, will be posted on the site as well as announced in an email to registered users of the site.

Consent. By using our site, you consent to our Privacy Policy and to be held to our site’s Code of Behavior.

Code of Behavior

The purpose of the Positive Community Connections web site is to provide a central source for information and enable connections among parties that have a stake or interest in the success and sustainability of self-determination (in lieu of typical agency-based service delivery) as a means of providing services to individuals with disabilities.

Material appropriate for this site does not stray too far from these purposes. There are plenty of other sites dedicated wholly to finding cures or treatments for certain disabilities or medical conditions, political or religious discourse, and other targeted interests (fashion, music, etc.). These are all fine to some degree (as long as everyone’s views are respected), but we do not wish any of these to become too large of a focus of this site. The Administrator/Moderators may, at times, make recommendations for outlets for such passions that are separate from the Positive Community Connections site.

Respect and Courtesy

Personal respect and courtesy towards all members of our self-determination community is highly valued and expected. Please support each other and refrain from using aggressive, inflammatory language in any communications.


The purpose of the site is to support self-determination efforts and build community around self-determination. The possibility exists that, at some point in time, the site may feature a “marketplace” where self-determined individuals can offer their personally produced items and services to the community at large. When such a program is started, a request and review procedure will be stated on the site.

Inappropriate Content

Any comments or event information that is submitted to the Positive Community Connections site must be appropriate and in keeping with the stated purposes of the online community. We reserve the right to remove any comments or material that the Administrator/Moderators deem to be inappropriate. Repeated posting of inappropriate content can and will result in permanent removal from the site.

The following types of content are inappropriate:  content that is vulgar, obscene, or contains “adult” themes, language or imagery, personal attacks or bullying directed at any other community members, including the Administrator/Moderators of the site, or posting of copyrighted materials (excluding brief excerpts) unless the poster has expressed consent of the author to do so. This list gives examples of inappropriate behavior but is not intended to list every possible type of material that the Administrator/Moderators may deem inappropriate.

Additionally, if a post references or links to an outside source, the site Administrator/Moderators reserve the right to remove the link or reference if the destination site is not in keeping with the spirit of the Code of Behavior of the Positive Community Connections site.


Positive Community Connections web Administrator/Moderators have the final say on everything posted to the site.

Freedom-of-speech rights do not apply to privately-owned web sites such as ours. This Code of Behavior is intended to protect those using this website and allow them to access information that will help them to flourish and grow. If any individual user violates or knowingly disregards this code, they may be removed to protect the site for all other users. We will make every effort to resolve any issues that arise in regards to this code, but we also reserve the right to remove users that are unwilling or unable to comply.

Your participation on the web site indicates that you are willing to abide by this Code of Behavior. We want a safe, vibrant, active site that supports the mission of the Foundation and the many wonderful self-determined individuals and their loved ones for whom the Foundation exists.