Meetup & Events Registration

Speed-friending is officially fun!

PCC is proud to host official Speed-friending game nights!  

This structured game provides the support participants need to comfortably foster social connections and make lasting friends. It's a lively, pressure free, way for people to meet and get to know others. 

We are so excited to share our lives, likes, stories and interests with all our new friends!


PCC News Update

Members of Positive Community Connections gathered at Casa De Spin in Massapequa for a creative afternoon. We met up, and experimented with a type of art called Spin Art. Ms. Sue and Bianca of Casa De Spin demonstrated some techniques to carry out our projects. With their guidance, we jumped right in to create our own spin art designs. It was a fantastic afternoon of creating, laughing and chatting.  

PCC Members closed out the month of January by meeting up at the Airpower Museum in Farmingdale. We were given the opportunity to go on a guided tour. During the tour, we learned about the history of the American Military and the role Long Island played in the historical World Wars. Members also had some high-flying fun climbing aboard some vintage planes, getting a feel for how it felt to be a pilot! 

PCC team members Sharin, Nicole and Cheryle were invited to attend Oceanside Library's Non Profit/Volunteer Resource Fair.  Our team members were given the opportunity to meet members of other organizations and attend various workshops.  Many fair goers stopped by PCC's table to ask questions and learn more about PCC and what we do for the community.  We thank the Oceanside Library for this opportunity and hope to return next year!

LIU Sharks

PCC  and PTW (Positive Transitions to Work) friends came together to watch a college ice hockey game. The LIU Sharks played Stonehill Skyhawks from Massachusetts and it was an action packed, hard hitting, fast moving game of ice hockey. Our group cheered passionately for our local team and for some, school team, the Sharks! We had so much fun yelling out loud and clapping after each goal the Sharks scored It was nice to root our team on for an 8-2 victory!!!

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