Parents to Parents: Website Link
Parent to Parent of New York State builds a supportive network of families to reduce isolation and empower those who care for people with developmental disabilities or special healthcare needs to navigate and influence service systems and make informed decisions
SANYS: Website Link
SANYS's goal is to help self-advocates build the skill and courage needed to speak up for themselves and others. We believe that empowered self-advocates can help create inclusive communities and a person-centered and person-directed system of supports. To further this goal, the SANYS board and delegated staff members support self-advocates and self-advocacy groups regionally and statewide. SANYS encourages self-advocates to speak for themselves individually and collectively.
SOYAN: Website Link
SOYAN is a not-for-profit with a grass-roots foundation. SOYAN is a network of volunteer family members, professionals and self-advocate individuals sharing information and supporting true person-centered services offered by the self-direction model of OPWDD service delivery. We believe self-direction offers the best option for our family members and should be available to all.
SOYAN focuses on empowerment and advocacy issues relating to supporting the journey of youth and adults embarking upon living a self-determined life with the supports of Self-Direction with Full Budget Authority through OPWDD.