Meetup & Events Registration

Speed-friending is officially fun!

PCC is proud to host official Speed-friending game nights!  

This structured game provides the support participants need to comfortably foster social connections and make lasting friends. It's a lively, pressure free, way for people to meet and get to know others. 

We are so excited to share our lives, likes, stories and interests with all our new friends!


PCC News Update

Do you have a passion for music? Maybe you're a creative spirit with a love for crafting? If so, PCC might have the perfect job for you!

We are looking to hire an alternate leader for our Glee and Crafting Connection initiatives. This per diem position will allow you to be part of the PCC team, supporting the Self-Directed community, while maintaining a light and fun work schedule. 

Experience with the Self-Directed community is a must!

branching out

The members of PCC met up at the Tilles Center on the CW Post campus of LIU to enjoy a wonderful production called "Branching Out". The play was about the beauty and differences that each season of the year brings to us.

st pattys parade

"The Folks at Positive Community Connections (PCC), gives a BIG HUG, MUCH ADMIRATION and HAPPY ST.PATRICK'S DAY to Grand Marshall John McNamara. You are the man Johnny Mac! Thanks for always supporting all of us!"-Theresa G

arcade group pic

PCC members had an awesome meetup at the Cradle of Aviation on Monday Feb 20th to visit the Retro Arcade Exhibit! We had a blast playing old arcade games such as Pac man, Donkey Kong, Mortal Kombat, Tetris, Breakout and much more. We laughed, played video games together, and grabbed a bite to eat at the cafe after our arcade session was over. So much fun!

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